HP Hewlett Packard All in One Printer RX4610 User Manual

HP -UX 11i Ver sion 1.5 In sta lla tion a n d  
Con figu r a tion Gu id e  
r elea se id B.11.20  
for r x9610 a n d r x4610 h p ser ver s  
a n d i2000 h p w or k sta tion s  
Ma n u fa ctu r in g Pa r t Nu m ber : B9106-90001  
J u n e 2001  
© Copyright 2001 Hewlett-Packard Company.  
Copyright © 1980, 1984, 1986 Novell, Inc.  
Copyright © 1986-1992 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  
Copyright © 1985, 1986, 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  
Copyright © 1989-1993 The Open Software Foundation, Inc.  
Copyright © 1986 Digital Equipment Corporation.  
Copyright © 1990 Motorola, Inc.  
Copyright © 1990-1995 Cornell University  
Copyright © 1989-1991 The University of Maryland  
Copyright © 1988 Carnegie Mellon University  
Copyright © 1991-1999 Mentat, Inc.  
Copyright © 1996 Morning Star Technologies, Inc.  
Copyright © 1996 Progressive Systems, Inc.  
Copyright © 1997-1999 Isogon Corporation, All Rights Reserved  
Tr a d em a r k Notices. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United  
States and other countries, licensed exclusively through The Open  
X Window System is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of  
MS-DOS and Microsoft are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft  
OSF/Motif is a trademark of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. in the  
U.S. and other countries.  
Itanium is a trademark of Intel Corporation.  
Revision Histor y: June 2001, Edition 1.  
This edition describes installing HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (release B.11.20).  
This guides printing date and part number indicate its current edition.  
The printing date changes when a new edition is printed. (Minor  
corrections and updates which are incorporated at reprint do not cause  
the date to change.) The part number changes when extensive technical  
changes are incorporated.  
New editions of this manual will incorporate all material updated since  
the previous edition. For the latest version, see the HP-UX 11.x Release  
Documentation section on the Web: docs.hp.com  
Typ ogr a p h ic Con ven tion s  
This manual uses the following typographic conventions:  
Bold fa ce  
Words defined for the first time appear in bold fa ce.  
Computer fontindicates literal items displayed by  
the computer. For example: file not found  
User input  
Bold, computer text indicates literal items that you  
type. For example, to change to your accounts home  
directory, enter:  
Manual titles, variables in commands, and emphasized  
words appear in italics. For example, you would  
substitute an actual directory name for  
directory_namein this command:  
cd directory_name  
[ ]and |  
Brackets []enclose optional items in command syntax.  
The vertical bar |separates syntax items in a list of  
choices. For example, you can enter any one of these  
three items in this syntax:  
ls [-a | -i | -x]  
Text in this bold, sans serif font denotes keyboard keys  
and on-screen menus. A notation like Ctrl-Q indicates  
that you should hold the Ctrl key down, then press Q.  
New SCSI Drivers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23  
SCSI Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24  
LSI LVD UltraII SCSI Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24  
Ignite-UX Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29  
Pre-Install Data Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30  
How to Install HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31  
A. Post-In sta ll In for m a tion  
How to Create a System Backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38  
Con ten ts  
How to Identify your Model, OS and Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41  
How to Find HP on the Web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43  
B. In Ca se of Tr ou ble  
Error Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46  
Known Error Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46  
C. Da ta Collection Ta bles  
Introduction and Related Information  
In tr od u ction a n d Rela ted  
In for m a tion  
Chapter 1  
Introduction and Related Information  
In tr od u ction  
Welcom e to HP -UX  
HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 is the release for all Itanium processor family  
(IPF) based HP-UX systems. The release ID for HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 is  
B.11.20, and the term HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20) will be used  
throughout this install guide. The HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20)  
Operating Environment (OE) is an integrated and tested software  
solution containing the operating system and selected applications.  
PA-RISC based systems should continue to run HP-UX 11i (release ID  
B.11.11) or earlier releases. HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20) will not run  
on PA-RISC based systems.  
This release is not intended for Mission Critical environments, and HA  
products such as ServiceGuard are not supported on this release. It  
includes the following major features and enhancements:  
Base VERITAS Volume Manager 3.1 for HP-UX (VxVM), is  
integrated in HP-UX and is now the default volume manager and root  
Support for running most PA-RISC applications on IPF without  
Enhancements to some commands, including date and strftime  
Functionality provided in this release will be included in future releases  
of HP-UX.  
In sta ll Gu id e Over view  
Depending on how your system is configured, your use for this guide will  
vary. For example,  
If you ordered one of the server configurations with HP-UX 11i  
Version 1.5 pre-installed, this guide can still provide you with  
valuable information about configuring your system, as well as  
peripherals, software, optional OS components and more.  
If you ordered a server or workstation without the OS pre-installed,  
then you will need to follow the instructions in Chapter 2.  
Chapter 1  
Introduction and Related Information  
i2000 w or k sta tion s sh ip w ith Win d ow s 2000 p r e-in sta lled . By  
follow in g th e in sta ll in str u ction s in Ch a p ter 2 of th is gu id e, you  
w ill over w r ite th e Win d ow s 2000 op er a tin g system .  
How to u se th is In sta ll Gu id e  
To help ensure a successful installation of HP-UX 11i Version 1.5, we  
recommend that you review this entire guide before proceeding to install  
the OS on your system as described in Chapter 2 of this guide .  
Note that HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 is the only HP-UX release for all  
HP-UX Itanium-based systems; therefore this guide only describes  
installing HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 on Itanium-based systems.  
This Installation Guide provides detailed information regarding both the  
hardware and the software that together make up your new system.  
If you will be cold-installing HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 on your new system,  
the following steps for using this guide are recommended:  
1. Read the following section, How this Install Guide is Organized.  
2. Complete the pre-install data collection tables in Appendix C.  
3. Complete the install procedure in Chapter 2  
Any last minute install issues are provided in a Readme Before Installing  
booklet (MPN: B9106-90005) provided with the HP-UX 11i Version 1.5  
media. Be sure to review this booklet before continuing.  
Chapter 1  
Introduction and Related Information  
How this Install Guide is Organized  
How th is In sta ll Gu id e is Or ga n ized  
Ta ble 1-1  
Ch a p ter  
Con ten t  
Chapter 1  
This section introduces you to the  
Install Guide and provides  
suggestions for how to use it best.  
Installation and  
Media Kit Contents  
This section describes the media kit  
that is shipped with new HP  
servers, including software,  
applications, release notes, etc.  
New Features (and  
Unsupported Features)  
This sections describes new  
features of the operating system  
that shipped with your system, and  
also describes any features that are  
not supported.  
Software Distribution  
Media: Content Listings  
This section consists of three  
separate listings which describe the  
software included on the  
Application Release DVD, the  
Operating System DVD, and other  
software supported by this OS.  
System Configurations  
This section provides summary and  
detailed listings of the three HP  
Itanium -based system  
configurations, including processor  
speeds, cache memory, supported  
PCI interfaces cards, and other  
Chapter 2  
Installing HP-UX  
11i Version 1.5  
How to Plan Your HP-UX  
This section provides a brief list of  
information required to begin the  
install procedure.  
How to Install HP-UX 11i  
Version 1.5  
This section provides step-by-step  
procedures for installing the OS.  
Chapter 1  
Introduction and Related Information  
How this Install Guide is Organized  
Ta ble 1-1  
Ch a p ter  
Con ten t  
Appendix A  
How to Create a System  
This section provides a brief  
description of creating a system  
How to Install Optional  
Software Products  
This section provides an example of  
how to install one of the optional  
software products that ships on the  
application release DVD.  
How to Identify your  
Model, OS and Software  
This section shows you the  
commands for finding information  
about your system.  
How to Find HP on the  
This section provides several useful  
URLs that you can use to find  
various HP reference material on  
the web, such as user manuals,  
manpages, HP-UX patches, support  
documents, safety information and  
Appendix B  
In Case of Trouble  
Errors and Warnings  
Data Collection Tables  
This section describes what to do if  
you encounter certain errors.  
Appendix C  
Data Collection  
This section contains the data  
collection tables (each on a separate  
page so that you can make  
photocopies if necessary) that you  
will use to record pre-install data.  
Chapter 1  
Introduction and Related Information  
Media Kit Contents  
Med ia Kit Con ten ts  
This guide accompanies the HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20) media kit,  
which also includes:  
HP -UX 11i Ver sion 1.5 DVD — Contains the HP-UX OS (operating  
system), required networking software, and on-line diagnostics.  
Ap p lica tion DVD — Contains HP-UX application software.  
In sta n t In for m a tion CD — Contains current HP-UX manuals,  
release notes and white papers.  
Rea d m e Befor e In sta llin g HP -UX 11i Ver sion 1.5 — This booklet  
contains last minute information for HP-UX 11i Version 1.5. Read  
this booklet before installing.  
HP -UX 11i Ver sion 1.5 Relea se Notes — A file describing new  
features and functionality changes for HP-UX 11i Version 1.5. This  
file will be on the system after you install HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 in:  
Release Notes are also available on the Instant Information CD and  
on the Web at:  
Select the HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 Release Documentation link.  
Chapter 1  
Introduction and Related Information  
New Features in HP-UX 11i Version 1.5  
New Fea tu r es in HP -UX 11i Ver sion 1.5  
HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20) adds software functionality and support  
for Itanium -based systems to HP-UX. HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20)  
is intended for all Itanium processor family (IPF) based HP-UX systems.  
PA-RISC based systems should continue to run the HP-UX 11i or HP-UX  
11.x releases. This release will not run on PA-RISC based systems.  
HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20) includes the following major features  
and enhancements:  
Base VERITAS Volume Manager 3.1 for HP-UX (VxVM), is  
integrated in HP-UX and is now the default volume manager and root  
Support for running most PA-RISC applications on IPF without  
Enhancements to some commands, including dateand strftime  
Functionality provided in this release will be included in future releases  
of HP-UX.  
See the HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 Release Notes for more about these new  
OS features.  
HP is continually adding support for additional hardware and software.  
Contact your HP Service Representative for information about  
additional support or refer to the latest edition of this document on  
Th e HP -UX Op er a tin g En vir on m en t (OE)  
Beginning with HP-UX 11i, the operating system is delivered as part of  
the HP-UX Operating Environment (OE). An Operating Environment is  
an integrated and tested software solution containing the operating  
system and selected applications. In HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20),  
the operating system and selected applications are provided on two  
DVDs, to install the full OE, you must install from both DVDs.  
Chapter 1  
Introduction and Related Information  
Features Unavailable in HP-UX 11i Version 1.5  
Fea tu r es Un a va ila ble in HP -UX 11i Ver sion 1.5  
In comparison with HP-UX 11i, HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20) does not  
provide support for:  
PA-RISC systems  
updates, HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20) must be cold installed  
HFS or LVM root disk, use VxVM or whole disk VxFS instead  
boot from LVM disks  
root, swap or dump on LVM disks  
early dump  
Shared LVM  
Business Copy/BCV/snapshot features on high-end disk arrays  
Fabric connectivity with Fibre Channel Mass Storage  
High Availability (HA) features  
HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20) does not support  
PA cross development on IPF  
HP supplied PA mode archive system libraries.  
HP supplied IPF archived system libraries  
mix & match between IPF and PA binaries and/or 32-bit and 64 bit  
network boot  
framebuffer graphics support  
boot from floppy disk  
In addition, administrators and developers should make note of the  
following important changes and limitations:  
the id number returned by unamemay no longer be unique  
manual editing of /stand/systemfile is now obsolete  
Additional information about the above changes and limitations, and  
other differences between HP-UX 11i and HP-UX 11i Version 1.5  
(B.11.20), are described further in the HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 Release  
Notes (MPN: B9106-90003) .  
Chapter 1  
Introduction and Related Information  
HP-UX Installation Restrictions  
HP -UX In sta lla tion Restr iction s  
Installing HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20) requires a 4 GB minimum  
root disk. The following installation restrictions apply:  
Installing HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20) requires using the DVD  
HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20) only supports cold installation of the  
HP-UX operating system.  
Updating to HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20) from previous releases is  
not supported.  
The HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20) release does not support using  
Ignite-UX to create and distribute a Golden System or Golden Disk  
for network installation of HP-UX.  
This manual deals only with the software steps required to install your  
operating system. For hardware upgrades, either see the documentation  
included with your hardware or consult your HP Support Engineer.  
Chapter 1  
Introduction and Related Information  
Software Distribution Media  
Softw a r e Distr ibu tion Med ia  
The following tables list the applications that are:  
included on the HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20) Operating System  
available on the Application Release DVD  
Ap p lica tion s in clu d ed on th e HP -UX 11i Ver sion 1.5  
Op er a tin g System DVD  
Ta ble 1-2  
Ap p lica tion s on th e Op er a tin g System DVD  
P r od u ct Na m e  
Descr ip tion  
PA-RISC Dynamic Code Translator  
Asian System Environment  
Base VxVM  
Base VxFS  
CDE/Xt/ Motif  
Base HP VERITAS Volume Manager  
Base HP VERITAS File System  
Windows interface for Unix  
Client Remote Procedure Calls  
Ignite UX - Cold install from DVD only  
Logical Volume Manager  
System Administration Manager  
Software Distributor  
Ap p lica tion s a va ila ble on th e Ap p lica tion Relea se  
DVD for HP -UX 11i Ver sion 1.5  
The products listed here are not included on the HP-UX 11i Version 1.5  
(B.11.20) Operating System DVD; they are available on the HP-UX 11i  
Version 1.5 (B.11.20) Application Release DVD.  
Chapter 1  
Introduction and Related Information  
Software Distribution Media  
Some of these applications are offered for free and may also be available  
for download from the HP website. Please check the HP ordering  
database or the configuration guides for details on the individual  
Ta ble 1-3  
Ap p lica tion s on th e Ap p lica tion Relea se DVD  
P r od u ct  
Nu m ber  
P r od u ct Na m e  
Descr ip tion  
Apache Web Server  
C/ANSI C Dev  
HP C/ANSI C Developer Bundle  
Fortran compiler  
Gigabit Ethernet  
PCI Gigabit Ethernet LAN  
Glance Plus  
GlancePlus HP9000 Server  
Glance Plus - Jpn  
Japanese GlancePlus HP9000 Server  
HP Message Passing Interface  
Online Backup for JFS  
Online JFS  
VxVM – Full  
ANSI C++  
Veritas Volume Manager – Full  
HP ANSI C++ compiler  
Dev Kit  
HP-UX Developer's Toolkit. Tools for  
user interface development.  
HP Parallel Math Library  
HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 Software  
Transition Kit  
Chapter 1  
Introduction and Related Information  
Software Distribution Media  
Ta ble 1-3  
Ap p lica tion s on th e Ap p lica tion Relea se DVD  
P r od u ct  
Nu m ber  
P r od u ct Na m e  
Descr ip tion  
Java 2 RTE 1.3  
Java 2 SDK 1.3  
Java 2 RTE/SDK 1.3 Run Time  
Environment and Software  
Development Kit  
MWA Svr  
Measureware Server –Tool for  
viewing system data  
MWA Svr - Jpn  
Japanese Measureware Server  
Disk Mirroring for HP-UX  
Netscape Communicator  
Object Cobol RTS  
HP Micro Focus Object Cobol  
Runtime System  
OmniBack Backup Software  
Open Graphics Language  
Fibre Channel  
PCI Fibre Channel LAN Driver  
Note: Product Numbers with asterisks (*) are for i2000 workstations  
To see the most recently updated list of applications that are certified on  
HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20):  
2. Select the latest HP-UX Application Release desired, then select  
New/Updated Software Product List.  
3. Review the list of supported applications.  
Chapter 1  
Introduction and Related Information  
System Configurations  
System Con figu r a tion s  
HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20) supports only a 64-bit version of the  
HP-UX kernel.  
The tables below outline the fully supported HP-UX 11i Version 1.5  
(B.11.20) configurations for rx9610 and rx4610 hp servers, and i2000 hp  
The information in the following tables is subject to change. For the most  
up-to-date information, refer to the following web site:  
Ta ble 1-4  
Ser ver Con figu r a tion Su m m a r y  
P la tfor m  
P r ocessor  
Ca ch e  
Min /Ma x  
Mem or y  
P CI I/O  
256MB to  
64 to  
Ultra-2 SCSI,  
Fibre Channel  
1GB to  
Ultra-2 SCSI,  
Fibre Channel  
Ta ble 1-5  
Wor k sta tion Con figu r a tion Su m m a r y  
P la tfor m  
P r ocessor  
Ca ch e  
Min /Ma x  
Mem or y  
P CI I/O  
1GB to 4GB 7 PCI 10/100B-TX,  
USB, external  
2GB to 4GB  
Chapter 1  
Introduction and Related Information  
Hardware Configurations  
Ha r d w a r e Con figu r a tion s  
r x9610 Ser ver  
The rx9610 server can contain up to 4 cells. Each cell includes, among  
other things, a memory card (16 dimm slots), four Itanium processors,  
and a connector for an additional memory card (16 additional dimm  
slots). The configurations for the rx9610 are:  
rx9610 - 16-way IPF-based server  
128GB max memory using 16 SDRAM DIMM sockets  
per memory expander board per cell  
DVD drive (IDE)  
Floppy drive LS-120 (IDE) slim line  
Hard Disk Drives (HDD) 2 hot swap 1" 18GB each,  
total 36GB  
up to 64 66MHz slots or 128 33MHz slots  
Supported Add-On Peripherals  
A5272A - Sure Store E Disk System S10  
A5236A(z) - Sure Store E Disk System FC10  
A5277A - Sure Store E Disk Array FC60  
A3311A - High Availability Storage System  
A5599A - DLT8000 Tape Drive  
Supported Add-On Cards  
A5150A -Dual Port Ultra2 SCSI  
A5159A -Dual Port FWD SCSI-2  
A4926A - PCI 1000BaseSX Gigabit Ethernet Fiber,  
single port  
A4929A - PCI 1000BaseT  
A6792A - PCI 100BaseT  
A5158A - Single Port Fibre Channel (Tachlite)  
r x4610 Ser ver  
The Itanium processor server configurations for the rx4610 are:  
Chapter 1  
Introduction and Related Information  
Hardware Configurations  
rx4610 - a 2-4 way IPF-based server  
64GB max memory using 32 SDRAM DIMM sockets  
per memory expander board  
DVD drive (IDE)  
Floppy drive LS-120 (IDE) slim line  
2 hot swap 1" Hard Disk Drives 18GB each, total 36GB  
10 PCI slots - 8 66MHz slots, 2 33MHz slots  
Supported Add-On Peripherals  
A5272A - Sure Store E Disk System SC10  
A5236A(z) - Sure Store E Disk System FC10  
A5950A - Sure Store E Disk Array XP512  
A5700A - Sure Store E Disk Array XP256  
A5920A - Sure Store E Disk Array XP48  
A5277A - Sure Store E Disk Array FC60  
A5616A - Sure Store E Disk System HVD 10  
C4318B - Smart Storage Enclosure (DDS4)  
C6369A/71A - DDS4 Tape Drive  
A5617A - 10/180 Tape Library  
A5598A - 9840 Tape Drive  
A5599A - DLT8000 Tape Drive  
A5583A(HVD) - 2/20 Tape Library  
Supported Add-On Cards  
A5150A -Dual Port Ultra2 SCSI  
A5159A -Dual Port FWD SCSI-2  
A4926A - PCI 1000BaseSX Gigabit Ethernet Fiber,  
single port  
A4929A - PCI 1000BaseT Copper Gigabit Ethernet  
A6792A - PCI 100BaseT  
A5158A - Single Port Fibre Channel (Tachlite)  
i2000 Wor k sta tion  
The Itanium-based workstations are available in two configurations, the  
i2000 733MHZ is a single processor system with 2MB Cache, and 1, 2, or  
4GB memory, and the i2000 800MHZ is a dual processor system with  
2MB Cache, and 2 or 4GB memory.  
Chapter 1  
Introduction and Related Information  
Hardware Configurations  
i2000 - a 1-2 way IPF-based workstation with 2M L2  
1 733MHz/2MB  
2 800 MHz/2MB  
UP - 1GB (add on to 2 or 4GB)  
MP - 2GB (add on 4 GB)  
DVD drive (IDE)  
Floppy drive LS-120 or LS-240 (IDE) slim line  
Hard Disk Drives (HDD) 18GB  
Core Built-in I/O  
Graphics Console  
7 PCI slots  
10/100BT LAN (10-200B-TX?)  
USB (4)  
internal SCSI (Ultra3 Qlogic 12160)  
PS-2 Keyboard  
NVIDIA Quadro2Pro  
Chapter 1  
Introduction and Related Information  
Mass Storage Drivers  
Ma ss Stor a ge Dr iver s  
External mass storage is not supported on the i2000 hp workstations.  
New SCSI Dr iver s  
For the rx9610 and rx4610 servers, two new SCSI HBA drivers, qlisp  
and c8xx, are released in HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20). The c8xx  
driver runs on all IPF systems and replaces the c720HBA driver on PA  
systems. The qlispHBA driver is a new driver to support the 12160  
Qlogic SCSI controller.  
The c8xxHBA driver supports both the A5150A, Dual Channel Ultra2  
SCSI, and the A5159A, Dual Channel FWD SCSI-2, add-in PCI cards.  
The qlispHBA driver supports the core Qlogic SCSI controller.  
There is no early dump support in HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20).  
Unlike PA systems, on IPF based systems, it is not possible to get a crash  
dump before the system is booted. For more information, see System  
Crash Dump Changes in Chapter 3 of the HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 Release  
Notes, “HP-UX Features.”  
Ta ch lite Dr iver  
For the rx9610 and rx4610 servers, this release includes td, the Fibre  
Channel PCI Tachyon TL driver. This version of the driver supports  
Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL) only. Fabric is not supported in  
this release.  
The IPF platforms supported by this driver are:  
hp server rx9610  
hp server rx4610  
For a complete list of supported platforms and devices as well as other  
up-to-date information, see the Fibre Channel web site at  
Chapter 1  
Introduction and Related Information  
SCSI Devices  
SCSI Devices  
External mass storage is not supported on the i2000 hp workstations.  
LSI LVD Ultr a II SCSI Con tr oller  
On Itanium-based servers, unlike PA-based systems, the LSI LVD  
UltraII SCSI controller, part number A5149A, can not boot from targets  
with SCSI ID greater than 7. These controllers have the Sub System ID  
Bits (SSID) set such that the card is forced into narrow mode.  
Sp ecifyin g Boota ble Devices in th e LSI BIOS  
The LSI BIOS is used to determine which SCSI HBAs are searched for  
bootable devices. The LSI BIOS limits this selection to a maximum of  
four possible choices, determined by the PCI bus slot order. Any boot  
target must reside on one of those default controllers.  
HP-UX will let you install to any device on the system but if the device is  
not on one of the default controllers you can not boot from it.  
QLogic SCSI Ad a p ter Ra tes  
For the rx9610 and rx4610 servers, some J BOD (Just a Bunch Of Disk)  
enclosures contain internal cabling for a slower SCSI rate than newer  
disk devices may accept. If an Ultra160 disk accepts the higher rate in an  
Ultra2 enclosure, a hang will occur in data transfers. To force the  
autonegotiation to use a slower rate, you must configure the SCSI  
Setting external QLogic SCSI connector for JBODs:  
Step 1. Enter Alt-Q when prompted on machine book  
Step 2. Choose  
Configuration Settings->Host Adapter Settings  
Adapter Configuration: Manual  
Chapter 1  
Introduction and Related Information  
SCSI Devices  
Changing to Manualmode allows access to all the fields in the device  
settings screen.  
Step 3. Choose  
Configuration Settings->SCSI Device Settings->Bus 1  
Press TAB to move to the left column (affects all devices in this model)  
Jamaica BOX J BOD (Fast settings):  
Sync Offset: 8  
Sync Period: 25  
SC10 Megatron (Ultra2 settings):  
Sync Offset: 14  
Sync Period: 10  
Step 4. Configuration Settings->Host Adapter Settings  
Adapter Configuration: AUTO  
Changing back to AUTOmode allows autonegotiation to occur but based  
on the new device settings. Leaving this at Manualmay cause the card to  
complain with warnings as the settings are forced on the SCSI devices  
without negotiation.  
Step 5. Save changes and reboot  
Chapter 1  
Introduction and Related Information  
SCSI Devices  
Chapter 1  
Installing HP-UX 11i Version 1.5  
In sta llin g HP -UX 11i Ver sion 1.5  
This chapter describes installing HP-UX 11i Version 1.5. After reading  
the preparation notes on the next few pages and completing the  
pre-install data collection tables in Appendix C, follow the cold install  
procedures described in this chapter.  
Chapter 2  
Installing HP-UX 11i Version 1.5  
Planning your HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 Cold Install  
P la n n in g you r HP -UX 11i Ver sion 1.5  
Cold In sta ll  
This section describes cold installing from the HP-UX 11i Version 1.5  
(B.11.20) DVD.  
See the following documents supplied with the HP-UX 11i Version 1.5  
(B.11.20) media for additional information:  
HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 Release Notes — Describes changes included  
in this release. On your system, look in: /usr/share/docs/  
These documents are also on the Instant Information CD supplied with  
HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20) media and at HPs user documentation  
Web site:  
For the latest information on downloading and using Ignite-UX, go to the  
Ignite-UX Web site:  
Cold -in sta llin g HP -UX over wr ites ever yth in g on th e ta r get d isk ,  
in clu d in g oth er d isk p a r tition s. On i-cla ss system s,  
cold -in sta llin g HP -UX w ill over w r ite th e fa ctor y in sta lled  
Win d ow s 2000 op er a tin g system .  
HP -UX 11i Ver sion 1.5 d oes n ot su p p or t sh a r in g th e r oot d isk  
w ith a n y oth er op er a tin g system .  
To cold-install HP-UX 11i Version 1.5, you must have the following:  
A supported Itanium-based server or workstation. Supported systems  
are listed in the section System Configurations” of Chapter 1,  
Introduction and Related Information.”  
The HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (11.20.B) media  
Chapter 2  
Installing HP-UX 11i Version 1.5  
Planning your HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 Cold Install  
Ign ite-UX Su p p or t  
The Ignite-UX product is not available for configuring an Ignite-UX  
server at the time of the initial release of HP-UX 11i Version 1.5. When it  
is released, it will be available for download from HPs Software Depot  
web site:  
To be notified of new releases of Ignite-UX by email, please register at  
the Software Depot web site listed above.  
Con figu r in g Disk Sp a ce  
Develop a clear configuration plan, including the following:  
File system sizes.  
— Swap space size.  
— Dump device.  
— Disk and file-system parameters.  
The defaults for these settings match a broad set of needs, but if  
necessary they can be modified early in the install process.  
If you plan to install application programs other than those supplied  
with HP-UX 11i Version 1.5, consider vendor size recommendations.  
For planning disk space, refer to these other books:  
Managing Systems and Workgroups available on the HP  
Instant Information CD and at:  
HP J FS 3.3 and HP OnLineJ FS 3.3 VERITAS File System 3.3  
System Administrator's Guide available at  
VERITAS Volume Manager 3.1 Administrators Guide available  
Chapter 2  
Installing HP-UX 11i Version 1.5  
Planning your HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 Cold Install  
If your system needs to be reinstalled at any point, the root disk will be  
overwritten and all data on it will be lost. For that reason, we  
recommend that you do not put user data on the root disk.  
Root Disk  
HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 provides several file system choices for the root  
By default, the system installs VxVM on the root disk with VxFS file  
systems. Unless the system firmware supports the edd30command,  
VxVM should only be installed onto a disk located at target 0. Once  
installed, you should not physically move the VxVM root disk.  
— Striping volumes can be configured during the install.  
— Mirrored volumes can not be configured during the install.  
Configure mirroring after the installation is complete.  
Whole-disk VxFS  
HFS file systems are not supported.  
Logical Volume Manager (LVM) is not supported as root disk, use  
VxVM instead.  
P r e-In sta ll Da ta Ta bles  
The pre-install data tables are located in Appendix C.  
All of the data in these tables is required to install HP-UX 11i Version  
1.5 (with the exception of the networking information if you are  
installing a stand-alone system).  
By completing the following tables prior to beginning the install of  
HP-UX 11i Version 1.5, you will have all the data you need, in one place,  
to successfully complete the install once you have started.  
Chapter 2  
Installing HP-UX 11i Version 1.5  
Planning your HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 Cold Install  
How to In sta ll HP -UX 11i Ver sion 1.5  
To cold install the operating system, which overwrites everything on the  
target disk:  
Step 1. Make sure any external devices connected to the target system are  
turned ON and operational.  
Step 2. Insert the HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 DVD into the drive.  
Step 3. Turn the system ON, reboot, or cycle power. The system should boot  
automatically from the DVD; if it does, go directly to step 4.  
IMPORTANT: If the system does not boot automatically, you will be  
taken to the boot menu, which is a timed menu -- press any key to stop  
the timer. Then, you can run installmanually from the EFI shell, as  
1. Select EFI Shell (Built In) from the boot menu.  
2. Display the list of devices by typing:  
map -b  
(The -bcommand line option scrolls the screen one page at a time in  
the event that the device list is longer than one page.)  
3. Look at the list of devices (displayed as fs0, fs1, etc.) and identify the  
DVD-ROM device. An example of a DVD-ROM device entry from the  
fs0 : Acpi (PNP0A03),0)/Pci(3|1)/Ata(Secondary,Master)  
4. The edd30 [on | off ] command toggles the BIOS option to  
display device path according to the EDD 3.0 specification. If the  
BIOS option is off, the root disk must be located at target 0. If the  
root disk is not located at target 0, type :  
edd30 on  
to enable EDD 3.0.  
5. Then enter the command device_name:\install. For example, if  
the DVD-ROM device is fs0, you would enter  
Chapter 2  
Installing HP-UX 11i Version 1.5  
Planning your HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 Cold Install  
Step 4. Verify the system booted from the DVD. The bootloader will display a  
message indicating you have 20 seconds to interrupt the boot process.  
The AUTO file should contain the string  
boot :IINSTALL -c0  
If the AUTO file string is different from the above, you may have booted  
from the wrong device. In that case, interrupt the boot process, enter the  
EFI shell. From the EFI shell, select the correct device, as explained in  
step 3.  
Step 5. Once the kernel has booted, it will scan the system for IO devices.  
Step 6. The system now displays the Ignite-UX welcome screen for the HP-UX  
installation process. If you have used Ignite-UX on PA systems, the  
remaining procedures will be familiar to you.  
Take a moment to read how to navigate and select choices on this  
terminal interface:  
Use the Tab key to navigate between fields and the arrow keys to  
navigate within fields.  
Use the Return/Enter key to select an item. Pressing Return/Enter or the  
space-bar opens a menu list.  
For Help, use Cntl-K for navigation key help and Cntl-F (or F1) for  
context-sensitive help.  
You can enter the underlined letter of an item (such as Ifor install  
HP-UX) to navigate more quickly.  
Step 7. Select Install HP-UX to begin interacting with the Ignite-UX (cold-install)  
Step 8. From the User Interface and Media Options screen, choose the degree of  
customizing needed to configure the installation. The default setting  
under Source Location Options (Media only installation) is correct for  
installing from a DVD.  
Three choices are shown in User Interface Options:  
Guided Installation provides tutorial information and limited choices  
for inexperienced Ignite-UX users.  
Advanced Installation enables you to customize your system on tabbed  
screens. Use this mode to change VxVM settings. You may also find it  
convenient to set system parameters, network services, file-system  
characteristics, and other configuration details.  
Chapter 2  
Installing HP-UX 11i Version 1.5  
Planning your HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 Cold Install  
No User Interface Use all the defaults and GO.  
Ignite-UX permits you to exit from Guided Installation and restart the  
configuration using Advanced Installation later by either selecting the  
Cancel button or pressing C. Mark your choices and select OK.  
The remaining steps take you through the Guided Installation. For help,  
consult the Help screens. For more help on using Advanced Installation,  
see the Ignite-UX Administration Guide.  
Step 9. You are now at the first step of the Install HP-UX Wizard: Select an  
overall system configuration. Accept the default option: HP-UX 11i  
Version 1.5 (B.11.20).  
Step 10. Select a system environment. In this step you will choose the type of  
desktop, or windowing system that will be installed on your system. If  
you are unsure of which environment to choose, the CDE (Common  
Desktop Environment) HP-UX Environment is recommended. Make  
your selection before continuing.  
Step 11. Select a root disk. In this step you will choose the disk that will house  
your root filesystem. If you are unsure of what to choose, keep the default  
selection which has been calculated by the install program.  
Step 12. Specify the amount of root swap space. Some initial calculations have  
been performed by the install program, and a recommended value has  
been set for you. You can either accept this value or change it before  
Step 13. Select filesystem type. The default value chosen by the install program is  
On the File System tab, choose between Whole-disk with VxFSand VxVM  
(HP VERITAS Volume Manager with VxFS). The following restrictions  
and limitations apply to VxVM:  
The VxVM install option may be used only when installing onto a  
disk located at target 0 unless the firmware supports the edd30  
command. If you did not enable EDD 3.0 and you need to, you can  
break out of the HP-UX Install Wizard, reboot the machine, and start  
again (see step 3). If the edd30command succeeds you may install  
VxVM to any target. If the command fails, you may only install VxVM  
Chapter 2  
Installing HP-UX 11i Version 1.5  
Planning your HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 Cold Install  
to target 0.  
Once installed, the VxVM root disk can not be moved to another SCSI  
bus or address that results in a change in the hardware path to the  
device. If it is moved, you may not be able to boot sanely from it. This  
is similar to the limitation present in LVM.  
Step 14. Specify root disk volume group disks. In this step you will specify how  
many disks you want placed into the root disk volume group and  
whether or not you would like the disks to be striped. (The HP-UX Install  
Wizard describes these features in depth.)  
Step 15. Select language(s). Browse the available languages, marking the desired  
Step 16. Select the user license. In this step you will select the type of user license  
you wish to install on your system. This information does not have to be  
exact, but should represent what you believe to be the primary usage of  
your system. A minimal two-user license is denoted here. To load licenses  
for more than two users, you must use the Application DVD.  
Step 17. Select additional software. In this step you may select any additional  
software which you would like loaded onto your system. Browse the list,  
marking your selections, then continue to the next step.  
Step 18. Pre-Install check information, Step 1. There are two steps involved in the  
pre-install checks. The first is to identify which disks will be overwritten  
during the install process. If you see disk in the list that you do not want  
included, back up to the root disk selection and choose another disk.  
Otherwise continue on to the next step.  
Step 19. Pre-Install check information, Step 2. The second step in the pre-install  
check is to review any errors or warnings. Warnings are simply  
informational. If there are any errors, they will need to be resolved  
before the installation can continue.  
Step 20. System summary. At this point you have successfully defined your  
system. Use the show summary button to view a summary of how your  
system will be configured. If you see any problems, or wish to change any  
of your selections, feel free to back up to the appropriate step, and make  
the needed changes. Otherwise, select Finish (at the bottom of the tabs).  
You have the chance to Cancel at this time. If you cancel, you return to  
the previous configuration screen.  
Step 21. Next, the installation will begin with filesets being copied from the  
Chapter 2  
Installing HP-UX 11i Version 1.5  
Planning your HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 Cold Install  
media to the hard disk. The system will automatically reboot during the  
installation process.  
Step 22. After the system has rebooted, the Welcome to HP-UX screen is  
displayed. At this point, you will need to answer a few questions before  
you can use the system. The first is whether or not you plan to use the  
system on a network. If you have completed the pre-install data  
collection tables in Appendix C, you have all of the information you need  
to complete the networking section of the install, so answer Yfor yes.  
Step 23. On the following screens, enter the basic network configuration  
information that you collected in Appendix C. Depending on how you set  
up your parameters, the system either will have configured them  
automatically or will call the set_parmscommand to allow you to set  
the root password, date and time, time zone, IP address, and additional  
network parameters.  
Step 24. Confirm your choices. Congratulations! You are now finished with the  
install procedure and will be given the opportunity to log in to the system  
as root.  
Step 25. Log in to the system.  
Step 26. After the cold install, store the HP-UX OS DVDs in a safe place. You may  
need them to install drivers or other software later.  
Chapter 2  
Installing HP-UX 11i Version 1.5  
Planning your HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 Cold Install  
Chapter 2  
Post-Install Information  
Post-In sta ll In for m a tion  
This appendix describes:  
How to Create a System Backup  
How to Install Optional Software Products  
How to Identify your Model, OS and Software  
How to Find HP on the Web  
Appendix A  
Post-Install Information  
How to Create a System Backup  
How to Cr ea te a System Ba ck u p  
You do not need to create a back up immediately after a cold install.  
The Ignite-UX product is not available for making a system recovery  
backup at the time of the initial release of HP-UX 11i Version 1.5. When  
it is released, it will be available for download from HPs Software Depot:  
Before Ignite-UX is available, once you have begun putting additional  
files on your system we recommend using the fbackupcommand to  
create a backup archive and frecoverto restore the system if necessary.  
By backing up your system, you will have a reliable system image to  
return to if subsequent system changes or failures corrupt your system.  
Appendix A  
Post-Install Information  
How to Install Optional Software Products  
How to In sta ll Op tion a l Softw a r e P r od u cts  
The Applications DVD that is distributed with HP-UX 11i Version 1.5  
contains optional development tools and system management software.  
HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 must be booted in order to install optional  
software products. The following is the procedure for installing products  
from the Applications DVD.  
Step 1. Insert the Applications DVD in the DVD-ROM drive.  
Step 2. Mount the Applications DVD.  
To install software from the Applications DVD, you must mount the DVD  
as a filesystem that HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 can access.  
a. Determine the DVD-ROM device name.  
Use the ioscan -funC diskcommand to list disk devices,  
including the DVD-ROM. The following sample output shows a  
DVD-ROM on cabinet 0 whose device name is /dev/dsk/c1t0d0.  
4 4/2/0.0.0 sdisk CLAIMED  
b. Create a mount point for the Applications DVD, if one does not yet  
The mount point is a directory that HP-UX will use as an access  
point for the DVD. Often a /CDROMdirectory is used. If this  
directory does not exist, create it using the mkdir /CDROM  
c. Use the mountcommand to mount the DVD.  
Using the mountcommand, specify the DVD-ROM device name  
and mount point. For example, the following command mounts the  
/dev/dsk/c1t0d0device as the /CDROMdirectory.  
mount /dev/dsk/c1t0d0 /CDROM  
See the mount (1M) manpage for details.  
Step 3. Use swinstallto install software from the Application DVD.  
Appendix A  
Post-Install Information  
How to Install Optional Software Products  
The following example command runs swinstallto install software  
from the source mounted at /CDROM.  
swinstall -i -s /CDROM  
See the swinstall (1M) manpage for details.  
Step 4. Select and install software from the Applications DVD.  
The swinstallprogram presents an interface for selecting and  
installing software from the DVD.  
Step 5. Unmount and eject the Applications DVD.  
You must unmount the DVD before you can eject it from the DVD-ROM  
drive. The DVD is automatically unmounted whenever the server  
Use the umountcommand to unmount the DVD. For example,  
umount /CDROMwill unmount the /CDROMfilesystem. See the umount  
(1M) manpage for details.  
Appendix A  
Post-Install Information  
How to Identify your Model, OS and Software  
How to Id en tify you r Mod el, OS a n d Softw a r e  
Id en tify Mod el  
To determine the model number of your system, check your invoice. Once  
the system is up and running, you can check your model number as well  
as a number of other informational items about your system by entering:  
Following is a sample output:  
# machinfo  
CPU info:  
Number of CPUs = 1  
Clock speed = 800 MHz  
CPUID registers  
vendor information =  
processor serial number = 0x0000000000000000  
processor version info =  
architecture revision:  
processor family:  
Intel(R) Itanium(TM) Family Processors  
Intel(R) Itanium(TM) Processor  
stepping C0  
processor model:  
processor revision:  
largest CPUID reg:  
processor capabilities =  
implements long branch:  
Cache info:  
L1 Instruction: size =  
16 KB, associativity = 4  
16 KB, associativity = 4  
96 KB, associativity = 6  
L1 Data:  
L2 Unified:  
L3 Unified:  
size =  
size =  
size = 4096 KB, associativity = 4  
Memory = 2043 MB (1.995117 GB)  
Firmware Revision = S460AC4A.86B.0073.B.0101291049  
Platform info:  
model string =  
"ia64 Intel MP Server"  
machine id number =  
machine serial number = .........  
OS info:  
sysname = HP-UX  
nodename = puppy  
release = B.11.20  
version = A (two-user license)  
machine = ia64  
idnumber = 0775969863  
/stand/vmunix _release_version:  
@(#) $Revision: vmunix:  
vw: njl  
selectors: CUPI80_BL2001_0429  
danax_vxvm_dump 'CUPI80_BL2001_0403' 'njl_danax_vxvm_dump'  
FLAVOR=debug DFILE=dfile.em_64 Mon Apr 30 21:34:48 EDT 2001  
Appendix A  
Post-Install Information  
How to Identify your Model, OS and Software  
Id en tify OS  
After installing HP-UX 11i Version 1.5, you will notice that uname -r  
identifies HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 as: B.11.20. This is the release ID.  
Id en tify Softw a r e  
To identify the software products on a system or a media, use swlist.  
For example, to show revision and descriptive title of all software  
installed on a system, enter:  
To show revision and descriptive title of all software on a CD-ROM  
mounted at /cdrom, enter:  
/usr/sbin/swlist -s /cdrom  
swlisthas many options to expand or narrow the listing to specific  
software and software attributes. For more about swlist, see Managing  
HP-UX Software With SD-UX.  
Appendix A  
Post-Install Information  
How to Find HP on the Web  
How to Fin d HP on th e Web  
You can obtain software and documentation for installing HP-UX and  
related products on the Web:  
The latest HP-UX manuals:  
If you have installed the Apache Web Server, additional information  
and links can be found at:  
Ignite-UX information and download:  
HP-UX 11.0 Software Transition Kit:  
Downloading HP-UX patches and patch information from your  
nearest HP IT Resource Center:  
Americas and Asia Pacific:  
Europe, Middle East and Africa:  
To receive HP Security Bulletins, select Support Information  
Digests” from the Maintenance and Support page).  
Euro currency symbol information:  
Safety and ergonomic information:  
LicensePower/iFOR from the core HP-UX:  
Appendix A  
Post-Install Information  
How to Find HP on the Web  
Appendix A  
In Case of Trouble  
In Ca se of Tr ou ble  
This appendix describes:  
Error Messages  
Appendix B  
In Case of Trouble  
Error Messages  
Er r or Messa ges  
As an install progresses, you will see messages relating to the progress  
being entered into the log file. These messages usually refer to normal  
behavior. ERRORand WARNINGmessages, however, have the following  
Indicates a serious problem, usually requiring action  
from the user in order to proceed with an installation.  
Indicates something out of the ordinary, but not fatal.  
The warning may require action.  
Indicates something out of the ordinary, but not fatal.  
The note does not require action.  
Kn ow n Er r or Messa ges  
The following message is placed in the swagent.logand install.log  
files after installing HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20):  
* Installing fileset "HPvxvm.VXVM-KRN,r=B.11.20.%30" (12  
of 274).  
NOTE: The VxVM drivers have been added to the /stand/system  
file. You must build the kernel and reboot. You need to  
build the kernel and reboot only if the installation  
process does not automatically do it for you.  
Use " /usr/sbin/mk_kernel -s /stand/system " to build  
the new kernel.  
This message is produced because the is_kernel and is_reboot flags in the  
fileset are not set properly. It is strictly informational and does not affect  
the actual installation. A kernel build occurs automatically at the end of  
the installation.  
Appendix B  
Data Collection Tables  
Da ta Collection Ta bles  
You will need to supply the information in the following tables when  
installing HP-UX 11i Version 1.5 (B.11.20).  
If you chose the guided install, you will be prompted for the information  
in these tables at various stages throughout the install, by the HP-UX  
Install Wizard.  
If you chose the Advanced Install, you will be given the opportunity to  
enter all of this information at the beginning of the install using a tabbed  
file-folder character-based interface.  
If you choose to network-enable your system, you must designate a  
unique host name, host IP address, and other network information for  
your server or workstation. Refer to your site network administrator for  
those details to include in these tables.  
If there is an HP-UX command that you can use after the install to  
confirm specific information entered by a command, it is provided with  
that command in the data collection table.  
Ta ble C-1  
Netw or k In for m a tion  
Typ e of In for m a tion  
You r Sp ecific In for m a tion  
How to con fir m in for m a tion  
a fter system is u p  
Host Name  
uname -n  
Host IP Address  
Subnet Mask  
nslookup name  
Default Gateway IP  
netstat -r  
Domain Name  
cat /etc/resolv.conf  
cat /etc/resolv.conf  
DNS IP Address  
DNS Domain Name  
Appendix C  
Data Collection Tables  
Some of the items in the following table, Miscellaneous Information, may  
not be familiar to you, but they are all questions that will be asked of you  
during the install. All options are described in detail during the install,  
so you can defer making decisions about those unfamiliar to you until  
you reach that point in the install.  
Ta ble C-2  
Miscella n eou s In for m a tion  
Typ e of In for m a tion  
You r Sp ecific In for m a tion  
Type of Desktop (ie. CDE / 64-bit  
Root DiskPath  
Root Swap Space  
Filesystem Type VxVM w/VxFS or  
Whole disk with VxFS  
Root Disk Volume Group Disks  
(How many disks you want placed  
into the root disk volume group and  
whether or not you want the disks  
to be striped).  
Type of user license (number of  
Select additional software (All,  
HP-UX Additions, Uncategorized)  
Pre-Installed Disk Information  
(which will be overwritten during  
the install disk -- see Root Disk  
Path) This is a review”  
confirmation step.  
Appendix C  
In d ex  
on Application Release DVD, 16  
on OS DVD, 16  
website for updated list, 18  
c8xx, 23  
procedure, 31  
server, 19  
installation, 15  
rx4610, 20  
workstation, 19  
hardware, 20  
system, 19  
website for latest, 19  
typographic, 4  
card, 24  
drivers, 23  
QLogic, 24  
Disk and File Management Tasks, 28, 29  
for planning disk space, 29  
Managing Systems and Workgroups, 29  
Tachlite driver, 23  
fibre channel, 23  
c8xx, 23  
web access  
qlisp, 23  
applications, 16  
SCSI HBA, 23  
td, 23  
Ignite-UX, 29, 43  
latest system configuration info, 19  
Managing Systems and Workgroups, 29  
error messages, 46  
11i v1.5 new features, 13  
installation restrictions, 15  
Operating Environment, 13  
overwriting Windows 2000, 8  
release B.11.20 introduction, 8  
version 1.5 introduction, 8  
i2000, 21  
ignite-UX, 28  

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