Huawei Network Router HG532S User Manual

HG532s Home Gateway  
User Guide  
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2012. All  
rights reserved.  
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means  
without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.  
The product described in this manual may include copyrighted software of Huawei  
Technologies Co., Ltd and possible licensors. Customers shall not in any manner  
reproduce, distribute, modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, extract, reverse  
engineer, lease, assign, or sublicense the said software, unless such restrictions are  
prohibited by applicable laws or such actions are approved by respective copyright  
holders under licenses.  
Trademarks and Permissions  
, and  
are trademarks or registered trademarks of Huawei  
Technologies Co., Ltd.  
Other trademarks, product, service and company names mentioned are the property of  
their respective owners.  
Some features of the product and its accessories described herein rely on the software  
installed, capacities and settings of local network, and may not be activated or may be  
limited by local network operators or network service providers. Thus the descriptions  
herein may not exactly match the product or its accessories you purchase.  
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd reserves the right to change or modify any information or  
specifications contained in this manual without prior notice or obligation.  
Import and Export Regulations  
Customers shall comply with all applicable export or import laws and regulations and will  
obtain all necessary governmental permits and licenses in order to export, re-export or  
import the product mentioned in this manual including the software and technical data  
1 Warnings and Precautions  
To use the device properly and safely, read these warnings and precautions  
carefully and strictly observe them during operation. Unless otherwise specified,  
the term "device" refers to the device and its accessories.  
Basic Requirements  
During storage, transportation, and operation of the device, keep it dry and  
prevent it from colliding with other objects.  
Do not dismantle the device. In case of any fault, contact an authorized  
service center for assistance or repair.  
Without authorization, no organization or individual can change the  
mechanical, safety, or performance design of the device.  
When using the device, observe all applicable laws and regulations and  
respect the legal rights of other people.  
Environmental Requirements for Using the Device  
Before connecting and disconnecting cables, stop using the device, and  
then disconnect it from the power supply. Ensure that your hands are dry  
during operation.  
Keep the device far from sources of heat and fire, such as a heater or a  
Keep the device far from electronic appliances that generate strong  
magnetic or electric fields, such as a microwave oven or a refrigerator.  
Place the device on a stable surface.  
Place the device in a cool and well-ventilated indoor area. Do not expose  
the device to direct sunlight.  
Use the device in an area with a temperature ranging from 0°C to 40°C.  
Do not block the openings on the device with any object. Reserve a  
minimum space of 10 cm around the device for heat dissipation.  
Do not place any object (such as a candle or a water container) on the  
device. If any foreign object or liquid enters the device, stop using the device  
immediately, power it off, remove all the cables connected to it, and then  
contact an authorized service center.  
During thunderstorms, power off the device, and then remove all the cables  
connected to it to prevent it from getting damaged due to lightning strikes.  
Precautions for Using Wireless Devices  
When using the device, ensure that the antenna of the device is at least 20  
cm away from all persons.  
Do not use the device where using wireless devices is prohibited or may  
cause interference or danger.  
The radio waves generated by the device may interfere with the operation of  
electronic medical devices. If you are using any electrical medical device,  
contact its manufacturer for the restrictions on the use of the device.  
Do not take the device into operating rooms, intensive care units (ICUs), or  
coronary care units (CCUs).  
Areas with Inflammables and Explosives  
Do not use the device where inflammables or explosives are stored, for  
example, in a gas station, oil depot, or chemical plant. Otherwise,  
explosions or fires may occur. In addition, follow the instructions indicated in  
text or symbols.  
Do not store or transport the device in the same box as inflammable liquids,  
gases, or explosives.  
Accessory Requirements  
Use only the accessories supplied or authorized by the device manufacturer.  
Otherwise, the performance of the device may get affected, the warranty for  
the device or the laws and regulations related to telecommunications  
terminals may become null and void, or an injury may occur.  
Do not use the power adapter if its cable is damaged. Otherwise, electric  
shocks or fires may occur.  
Ensure that the power adapter meets the specifications indicated on the  
device nameplate.  
Ensure that the power adapter meets the requirements of Clause 2.5 in  
IEC60950-1/EN60950-1 and it is tested and approved according to national  
or local standards.  
For pluggable device, the socket-outlet shall be installed near the device  
and shall be easily accessible.  
The adapter shall be installed near the equipment and shall be easily  
Only can use adapter as below:  
Adapter mfg: Shenzhen OCT Xinqiao Technology Co.,Ltd,  
Dongguan Shilong Fuhua Electronic Co.,Ltd  
Adapter 1 model: HW-120100B6W  
I/P:100-240V,50/60Hz,0.5A,O/P 12V, 1.0A  
Adapter 2 model: HW-120100E6W  
I/P:100-240V,50/60Hz,0.5A,O/P 12V, 1.0A  
The plug considered as disconnect device of adapter.  
Safety of Children  
Keep the device and its accessories out of the reach of children. Otherwise,  
they may damage the device and its accessories by mistake, or they may  
swallow the small components of the device, causing suffocation or other  
dangerous situations.  
If the device is not used for a long time, power it off, and then remove all the  
cables connected to it.  
If any exception occurs, for example, if the device emits any smoke or  
unusual sound or smell, stop using the device immediately, power it off,  
remove all the cables connected to it, and then contact an authorized  
service center.  
Do not trample, pull, or overbend any cable. Otherwise, the cable may get  
damaged, causing malfunction of the device.  
Before cleaning the device, stop using it, power it off, and then remove all  
the cables connected to it.  
Use a clean, soft, and dry cloth to clean the device shell. Do not use any  
cleaning agent or spray to clean the device shell.  
Disposal and Recycling Information  
This symbol on the device (and any included batteries) indicates that  
the device (and any included batteries) should not be disposed of as  
normal household garbage. Do not dispose of your device or batteries  
as unsorted municipal waste. The device (and any batteries) should  
be handed over to a certified collection point for recycling or proper disposal at  
the end of its life.  
For more detailed information about the recycling of the device or batteries,  
contact your local city office, the household waste disposal service, or the retail  
store where you purchased this device.  
The disposal of this device is subject to the Waste from Electrical and  
Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive of the European Union. The purpose  
for separating WEEE and batteries from other waste is to minimize any  
environmental impact and health hazard due to the presence of hazardous  
Reduction of Hazardous Substances  
This device is compliant with the EU Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation  
and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) Regulation (Regulation No  
1907/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council) and the EU  
Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive (Directive 2002/95/EC  
of the European Parliament and of the Council). For more information about  
the REACH compliance of the device, visit the Web  
site You are recommended to visit the  
Web site regularly for up-to-date information.  
EU Regulatory Conformance  
This device should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20  
cm between the antenna and all persons.  
Български: С настоящето Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. декларира, че  
този уред съответства на основните изисквания и другите разпоредби на  
Директива 1999/5/EC.  
Česky: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., tímto prohlašuje, že toto zařízení je ve  
shodě se základními požadavky a dalšími souvisejícími opatřeními směrnice  
Dansk: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. erklærer hermed at denne enhed er i  
overensstemmelse med de obligatoriske krav og andre relevante  
bestemmelser i direktiv 1999/5/EF.  
Nederlands: Hierbij verklaart Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. dat dit apparaat  
in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante  
bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EC.  
English: Hereby, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. declares that this device is in  
compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions  
of Directive 1999/5/EC.  
Eesti: Käesolevaga kinnitab Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., et see seade  
vastab Direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ põhinõudmistele ja teistele asjakohastele  
Suomi: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. vakuuttaa täten, että tämä laite on  
yhdenmukainen direktiivin 1999/5/EY olennaisten vaatimusten ja direktiivin  
muiden asiaankuuluvien lausumien kanssa.  
Français (Européen): Le fabricant déclare que ce produit est conforme aux  
exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive  
Deutsch: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. erklärt hiermit, dass dieses Produkt  
die erforderlichen Bestimmungen und andere relevante Verordnungen der  
Richtlinie 1999/5/EG einhält.  
Ελληνικά: Δια της παρούσης η Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. δηλώνει ότι  
αυτή η συσκευή συμμορφώνεται με τις βασικές απαιτήσεις και άλλες σχετικές  
διατάξεις της οδηγίας 1999/5/Ε.Κ.  
Magyar: Jelen nyilatkozaton keresztül a Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.  
kijelenti, hogy a készülék megfelel az EC/5/1999 Irányelv összes lényeges  
követelményének és vonatkozó előírásának.  
Gaeilge: Fograíonn Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd leis seo go bhfuil an fheiste  
seo i gcomhlíonadh leis na fíor-riachtanais agus na forálacha eile maidir le  
Treoir 1999/5/AE.  
Italiano: Col presente documento, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. dichiara che  
questo dispositivo è conforme ai requisiti essenziali e alle altre disposizioni  
applicabili della Direttiva 1999/5/CE.  
Latviski: Ar šo Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. paziņo, ka šī ierīce  
atbilst Direktīvas 1999/5/EC pamatprasībām un piemērojamajiem  
Lietuviškai: Šiuo Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. praneša, kad šis įtaisas  
atitinka Direktyvos 1999/5/EC pagrindinius reikalavimus ir taikomas sąlygas.  
Malti: Hawnhekk, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. tiddikjara li dan it-tagħmir hu  
konformi mal-ħtiġijiet essenzjali u provvedimenti rilevanti oħrajn ta’ Direttiva  
Polski: Wymieniona w tym dokumencie firma Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.  
deklaruje, że niniejsze urządzenie spełnia zasadnicze wymagania w zakresie  
zgodności oraz inne odnośne postanowienia Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC.  
Português (Europeu) : Deste modo, a Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. declara  
que este dispositivo está em conformidade com os requisitos essenciais e  
outras provisões relevantes da Directiva 1999/5/CE.  
Română: Prin prezenta Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. declară că acest  
dispozitiv este conform cu cerinţele esenţiale şi alte prevederi relevante ale  
directivei 1999/5/CE.  
Slovenčina: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. týmto vyhlasuje, že zariadenie je v  
súlade so základnými požiadavkami a inými relevantnými predpismi Smernice  
Slovenščina: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. izjavlja, da je ta naprava v skladu  
z bistvenimi zahtevami in drugimi ustreznimi določbami Direktive 1999/5/ES.  
Español (Europeo) : Con el presente documento, Huawei Technologies Co.,  
Ltd. declara que este dispositivo cumple con los requisitos esenciales y con las  
demás disposiciones correspondientes de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.  
Svenska: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. förklarar härmed att denna produkt  
överensstämmer med de grundläggande kraven och andra relevanta  
föreskrifter i direktiv 1999/5/EG.  
For the declaration of conformity, visit the Web  
Notice: Observe the national local regulations in the location where the device  
is to be used. This device may be restricted for use in some or all member  
states of the European Union (EU).  
Notice: This device can be operated in all European countries.  
France: Outdoor use limited to 10 mW e.i.r.p. within the band 2454-2483.5  
Italy: For private use, a general authorisation is required if WAS/RLAN's are  
used outside own premises. For public use, a general authorisation is required.  
Norway: This subsection does not apply for the geographical area within a  
radius of 20 km from the centre of Ny-Ålesund.  
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement  
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the  
following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference,  
and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including  
interference that may cause undesired operation.  
This device complies with part 68 of the FCC Rules.  
This device should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm  
between the antenna and all persons.  
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a  
Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are  
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a  
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio  
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the  
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular  
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or  
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and  
on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of  
the following measures:  
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which  
the receiver is connected.  
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  
Warning: Changes or modifications made to this device not expressly approved  
by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. may void the FCC authorization to operate  
this device.  
2 Connecting the Cables and Getting Started  
Thank you for purchasing the HG532s Home Gateway (hereinafter referred to  
as the HG532s).  
You can go online using the ADSL and USB modem services. However, you  
can only use one type of service at one time. The default way of going online is  
using the ADSL service, though you can go online using the USB modem  
service when you cannot access the network using the ADSL services.  
2.1 Connecting Cables Using the ADSL Port  
The following figure shows an example of how to connect the cables. In this  
example, the HG532s is connected to a desktop computer, a laptop computer,  
and a telephone.  
1. Power adapter  
4. Splitter  
a. MODEM port  
2. Desktop computer  
5. Telephone wall jack  
b. PHONE port  
3. Telephone  
6. Laptop computer  
c. LINE port  
2.2 Connecting Cables Using the USB Port  
If you do not have ADSL service in your home, you can go online using the USB  
modem service (through the USB port).  
If you have ADSL service in your home and want to go online using  
the USB modem service, make sure that the ADSL port is not  
connected to a router or telephone outlet, otherwise the USB  
modem will not work even if there is no Wide Area Network (WAN)  
1. Power adapter 2. Desktop computer 3. USB modem 4. Laptop computer  
2.3 Powering On the HG532s  
After connecting the cables, press the On/Off button on the side panel to power  
on the HG532s.  
After you power on the HG532s, the Power indicator light turns on.  
When connecting cables using the ADSL port, The ADSL indicator lights up  
and starts blinking. This indicates that the asymmetric digital subscriber line  
(ADSL) port activation is in progress. The blinking may last from 40 seconds  
to 3 minutes. When the ADSL indicator stops blinking and remains on, the  
HG532s is working properly.  
When going online using the USB port, the USB indicator light turns on.  
This indicates that the HG532s is working properly. When the USB indicator  
light starts blinking, data is being transmitted between the HG532s and the  
connected device.  
To power off the HG532s, press the On/Off button on the side  
panel, and then unplug the power adapter.  
3 Setting Network Access Parameters  
3.1 Logging in to the Web-Based Configuration  
Most parameters of the HG532s are preset before delivery to meet common  
application scenarios at homes. To check the HG532s's working status or to  
configure certain advanced network functions, use the web-based configuration  
To log in to the HG532s's web-based configuration utility:  
Step 1 Launch a browser on your computer. Enter in the  
address box, and press Enter.  
Step 2 On the login page, enter your user name (default is user) and  
password (default is user).  
If the user name and password have been changed, use the correct  
user name and password for login.  
Step 3 Click Login.  
After verification, the web-based configuration utility is displayed.  
The first time you log in to the web-based configuration utility, a quick  
configuration wizard is displayed. To skip the wizard and further  
configure your HG532s, click Here when the following message  
displays: Click Here to enter the advanced configuration page.  
3.2 Configuring a Wireless Account  
The configuration wizard page is displayed when wireless parameters have not  
been modified. To set the wireless network name and password for wireless  
connections on the wizard page, do as follows:  
Step 1 Log in to the HG532s's web-based configuration utility.  
Step 2 In the displayed Quick Configure Home Gateway: Wireless  
Network page. Set WLAN SSID and Key, and click Next.  
Check the label on the HG532s's rear panel for SSID and WLAN  
Key. The preceding configuration needs to be performed only once.  
You can also configure the wireless network name and password by  
choosing Basic > WLAN. For details, see section 6.3 "Changing the  
After you set the wireless network name and password, the home page of  
the web-based configuration utility is displayed. A navigation menu is displayed  
on the left.  
3.3 Configuring a Dial-Up Connection for Internet  
The HG532s works in bridge mode by default. To set up a dial-up connection for  
Internet access, you must install and configure PPP dial-up software. The  
following example uses a computer running the Windows XP operating system  
to describe how to set up a dial-up connection:  
Step 1 Choose Start > All Programs > Accessories > Communications >  
Network Connections.  
Step 2 In Network Tasks, click Create a new connection. In the New  
Connection Wizard window, click Next.  
Step 3 Select Connect to the Internet, and click Next.  
Step 4 Select Set up my connection manually, and click Next.  
Step 5 Select Connect using a broadband connection that requires a user  
name and password, and click Next.  
Step 6 In ISP Name, enter a name for the dial-up connection, and click Next.  
Step 7 Select Anyone's use or My use only, and click Next.  
Step 8 Enter the user name and password provided by your operator for  
dial-up connections, and click Next.  
Step 9 Select Add a shortcut to this connection to my desktop, and click  
The preceding steps need to be performed only once. After you complete the  
procedure, a dial-up connection icon will appear on your computer desktop.  
To connect to the Internet, double-click the dial-up connection icon, and click  
Connect in the dialog box.  
4 Setting Up a Wireless Connection  
If a wireless network adapter is available on your computer, you can connect  
your computer to the HG532s over a wireless connection.  
The method for installing the wireless adapter and its driver varies  
according to different vendors. For details, see the installation guide  
provided by the vendor of your wireless adapter.  
The HG532ss wireless network function is enabled by default. To check the  
There are two methods for setting up a wireless connection between the  
HG532s and your computer.  
4.1 Setting up a Wireless Connection Using the WPS  
The HG532s supports the Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) function in Push Button  
Configuration (PBC) mode. If your wireless network adapter also supports the  
WPS function, do the following to connect your computer to the  
HG532s wirelessly:  
Step 1 Press and hold the WPS button for over 1 second on the side panel of  
the HG532s.  
The WPS indicator on the HG532s starts blinking, indicating that the  
HG532s is in the WPS negotiation state.  
Step 2 Within 2 minutes, enable the WPS negotiation function on the  
Wait for a while, the WPS indicator of the HG532s stops blinking and  
remains on, indicating that a wireless connection is set up between the  
HG532s and the computer.  
You need to wait for 10 seconds to 120 seconds.  
The WPS indicator is on for about 300 seconds, and then turns off.  
4.2 Setting up a Wireless Connection Manually  
If your network adapter does not support the WPS function, you can also set up  
a wireless connection manually.  
The following example uses a computer running the Windows XP operating  
system to describe how to set up a wireless connection using the  
default wireless network name and password:  
Step 1 Start the wireless configuration service of the Windows XP operating  
system as follows:  
1. Right-click My Computer to display a short-cut menu, and choose  
2. In the Computer Management window, choose Computer  
Management (Local) > Services and Applications > Services.  
3. Right-click Wireless Zero Configuration to display a shortcut  
menu, and choose Properties.  
4. Check that Service status is Started. If Service status is not  
Started, click Start.  
5. Click OK to close the dialog box, and the close the Computer  
Management window.  
Step 2 Find the wireless network name (SSID) and its password (WLAN Key)  
printed on the label on the HG532s's rear panel.  
Step 3 Configure the wireless network connection on the computer as  
1. Choose Start > All Programs > Accessories >  
Communications > Network Connections.  
2. In the Network Connections window, right-click Wireless Network  
Connection to display a shortcut menu, and choose Properties.  
3. In the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box, click  
the Wireless Networks tab.  
4. Select Use Windows to configure my wireless network settings.  
5. Click View Wireless Networks.  
6. In the Wireless Network Connection dialog box, select  
the wireless network whose name is the same as the one you  
recorded in Step 2, and click Connect.  
7. In the dialog box, enter the password you recorded in Step 2, and  
click Connect.  
After the system verifies the password, Connected appears on  
the wireless network icon in the wireless network list, indicating that  
your computer has established a wireless connection to the  
8. Close the Wireless Network Connection dialog box.  
You need to set up a wireless connection only once.Then you can  
access the wireless network anytime you want as long as that  
the wireless network name and password are not changed. When  
the HG532s is working properly, your computer connects to the  
HG532s automatically after its wireless function is enabled.  
5 Using the USB Port  
5.1 Going Online Using a USB Modem  
By default, the HSPA uplink service is enabled. When the HG532s is working in  
USB modem mode, connect the USB modem to the HG532s so that your  
device can access the Internet through the HSPA uplink service.  
If your USB modem does not need to verify the PIN for Internet access, you  
do not need to configure the HG532s through the web-based configuration  
utility or perform any dial-up operations on your computer. The HG532s sets  
up a dial-up connection after the startup automatically.  
If your USB modem needs to verify the PIN for Internet access, you need to  
create an HSPA uplink connection. To create such a connection:  
Step 1  
Insert a SIM card into the USB modem.  
Wait about 20 seconds. The HG532s needs time to obtain the SIM  
card information.  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Step 4  
Log in to the HG532s's web-based configuration utility.  
Choose Advanced > PIN.  
Verify the PIN of your SIM card.  
1. Click the PIN tab.  
2. Select Verify from the PIN operation drop-down combo box.  
3. Enter the PIN that was provided by your SIM card operator in the  
PIN text box.  
4. Click Submit.  
When you do not need to go online, remove the USB modem.  
Otherwise, your operator may continue to charge you for data  
5.2 Accessing portable Storage Devices Using the  
FTP Server  
The HG532s supports a home storage function. After a portable storage device  
is connected to the USB port, you can configure the HG532s through the FTP  
server to access the portable storage device from the LAN or Internet.  
To access a portable storage device:  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Connect the portable storage device to the HG532s's USB port.  
Enable the FTP server, and then configure the FTP server settings.  
1. Log in to the HG532s's web-based configuration utility.  
2. Choose Advanced > USB Port.  
3. Click the FTP Server tab.  
4. Select Enable for FTP Server.  
5. In Username and Password, enter a user name and password for  
the FTP server.  
By default, both the user name and password are ftp.  
6. Enter a server port number (default is 21) in the Port text box.  
7. In Path, enter a USB root path or a USB folder path.  
By default, the path is a USB root path. And you can set a USB  
folder path by youself.  
8. Select the desired right from the Permission drop-down combo  
9. Click Submit to save the settings.  
Step 3  
Start the FTP client and access the HG532s's LAN IP address through  
the FTP server.  
1. On your computer, launch a browser.  
2. Enter FTP:// in the address bar, and then press Enter.  
3. In the Login dialog box, enter the user name and password that  
you set in Step 2, and then click Login.  
After the user name and the password are verified, you can read or write data  
on the portable storage device.  
5.3 Accessing a Printer Using the Printer Server  
The HG532s supports a printing function. After a printer is connected to the  
USB port, you can configure the HG532s through the FTP server to access and  
use the printer.  
For details about how to use the printer:  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Step 3  
Log in to the HG532s's web-based configuration utility.  
Choose Advanced > USB Port.  
Click the Printer Server tab.  
Refer to the steps in the Printer Server tab page for details about how  
to use the printer.  
6 Maintenance Guide  
6.1 Changing the User Name and Password for the  
Web-Based Configuration Utility  
For security reasons or to make the password easy to remember, you can  
change the user name and password for the web-based configuration utility.  
To change the user name and password for login:  
Step 1 Log in to the HG532s's web-based configuration utility.  
Step 2 Choose Maintenance > Account to display the user information  
management page.  
Step 3 Enter a new user name, your current password, and a new password.  
Re-enter the new password to confirm it.  
Step 4 Click Submit.  
After the user name and password are changed, the login page is displayed.  
Enter your new user name and password to log in.  
If you forget the password, you can restore the default settings by  
pressing and holding the Reset button on the rear panel of the  
HG532s for over 6 seconds. The user name and password used for  
logging in to the web-based configuration utility are then restored to  
their default values. After the HG532s is restored to its default  
settings, all user customized data will be lost. Use this function  
only when necessary.  
6.2 Enabling or Disabling the Wireless Network  
There are two methods for enabling or disabling the wireless network function.  
Using the WLAN Button  
To enable or disable the wireless network function, press the WLAN button on  
the side panel of the HG532s. The WLAN indicator indicates the status of  
the wireless network function.  
Using the Web-Based Configuration Utility  
To enable or disable the wireless network function from the web-based  
configuration utility:  
Step 1 Log in to the HG532s's web-based configuration utility.  
Step 2 Choose Basic > WLAN.  
Step 3 Click the WLAN tab.  
Step 4 Select Enable WLAN.  
Select Enable WLAN to enable the wireless network function.  
Clear Enable WLAN to disable the wireless network function.  
Step 5 Click Submit.  
6.3 Changing the Wireless Network Name and  
The default wireless network encryption mode is WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK. You  
can find the wireless network name (SSID) and password (WLAN Key) printed  
on the label on the HG532s's rear panel.  
To change the wireless network name and its password:  
(This example uses WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK encryption mode.)  
Step 1 Log in to the HG532s's web-based configuration utility.  
Step 2 Choose Basic > WLAN.  
Step 3 Click the WLAN tab.  
Step 4 Select Enable WLAN.  
Step 5 In SSID, enter a wireless network name.  
Step 6 For Security, select WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK. In WPA pre-shared  
key, enter a password. Use the default settings for other parameters.  
Step 7 Click Submit.  
You must remember the password you set. You will be prompted to enter this  
password when connecting wireless devices, such as a computer, to the  
HG532s's wireless network. Connection to the HG532s's wireless network fails  
if you enter an incorrect password.  
If you forget the wireless network name and its password, log in to  
the web-based configuration utility, and set a new name and  
password. Alternatively, you can restore the HG532s to its default  
settings. The name and password are then restored to the values  
printed on the label on the HG532s's rear panel.  
6.4 Changing the PIN code for your SIM card  
If you want to change the PIN code of your SIM card, do as follows:  
Step 1 Log in to the HG532s's web-based configuration utility.  
Step 2 Click Advanced > PIN in the navigation tree on the left.  
Step 3 Choose the PIN page.  
Step 4 Select Verify from the PIN operation drop-down combo box, and  
Click Submit.  
Step 5 After the PIN code is verified, select Change from the PIN operation  
drop-down combo box.  
Step 6 Enter the original PIN number in the PIN text box.  
Step 7 Enter the Current PIN code and the New PIN code. Then enter the  
new PIN again in the Confirm PIN text box for confirmation.  
Step 8 Click Submit to finish the settings.  
Use the default values for the other parameters. In general, they do  
not need to be configured.  
6.5 Restoring Default Settings  
If you restore the HG532s to its default settings, all customized  
user data will be lost. Use this function only when necessary.  
To restore the HG532s to its default settings, power on the HG532s, press and  
hold the Reset button on the rear panel for over 6 seconds, and then release  
the button.  
You can also do the following to restore the HG532s to its default settings from  
the web-based configuration utility:  
Step 1 Log in to the HG532s's web-based configuration utility.  
Step 2 Choose Maintenance > Device.  
Step 3 Click the Reset tab.  
Step 4 Click Restore Default Settings.  
Step 5 In the displayed dialog box, click OK.  
After the preceding steps, the login page is displayed. You can enter the default  
user name (user) and password (user) to log in.  
7 FAQs  
How can I quickly enable or disable the wireless network function?  
Press and hold the WLAN button for over 1 second, and then release the  
button. The WLAN indicator indicates the status of the wireless network  
How can I quickly restore the HG532s to its default settings?  
To restore the HG532s to its default settings, press and hold the Reset button  
on the HG532s's rear panel for over 6 seconds when the HG532s is powered  
on, and then release the button.  
What can I do if I cannot access the Internet?  
Step 1 Check that the Power indicator on the HG532s is steady on.  
If the Power indicator is off, perform further checks as follows:  
1. Check that the HG532s is turned on.  
2. Check that electricity comes from the socket and that the power  
input from the socket meets the requirements described on the  
label of the HG532s's power adapter. If the voltage is unstable, for  
example, if the voltage is too high or too low, do not use the  
HG532s. Wait until the voltage recovers, and then use the HG532s.  
3. Check that the HG532s is securely connected to the socket using  
its power adapter.  
If the Power indicator is still off, contact an authorized maintenance  
Step 2 After powering on the HG532s, wait for about 3 minutes. Then  
check whether the ADSL indicator turns steady on.  
If the ADSL indicator is off, perform further checks as follows:  
1. Check that the telephone line is correctly and securely connected,  
especially the connection between the telephone line and the  
2. Check that the HG532s and telephone line are located far from any  
electric appliances that generate strong magnetic or electric fields.  
Replace the telephone line when necessary.  
If the ADSL indicator is still off, contact your network service  
Step 3 Check whether the LAN indicator is on.  
If the LAN indicator is off, perform further checks as follows:  
1. Check that the network adapter on your computer is enabled.  
2. Check that the network cable between the HG532s and the  
computer is securely connected. Remove and then insert the  
network cable or replace the network cable when necessary.  
If the LAN indicator is still off, contact an authorized maintenance  
Step 4 Check that the driver for the network adapter is correctly installed.  
The following example uses a computer running the Windows XP  
operating system to check whether the driver for the network  
adapter is installed:  
1. Right-click My Computer, and choose Manage from the displayed  
shortcut menu.  
2. In the Computer Management window, click Device Manager.  
3. In the right pane of the Computer Management window, click  
Network adapters.  
If no network adapter is found or if a question mark (?) or an  
exclamation mark (!) is displayed next to the network adapter icon,  
the driver for the network adapter is not correctly installed.  
Re-install the driver.  
Step 5 Check that PPP dial-up software is installed and parameters are set  
For details about parameter settings, see the user guide for the  
PPP dial-up software.  
Step 6 Check that you have entered the correct user name and password  
required by the PPP dial-up software.  
The user name and password are provided by your network service  
Step 7 Check that you can use the PPP dial-up software to set up dial-up  
If the dial-up connection fails, perform further checks as follows:  
1. Close the PPP dial-up software, and power off the HG532s. After 5  
minutes, power on the HG532s, and use the PPP dial-up software  
to dial again.  
2. Restore the HG532s to its default settings.  
If the problem persists, contact your network service provider.  
Step 8 Check that the proxy server of the browser is correctly configured.  
The following example uses Internet Explorer on the Windows XP  
operating system to check whether the proxy server of the browser  
is correctly configured:  
1. Launch Internet Explorer.  
2. Choose Tools > Internet Options.  
3. In the Internet Options dialog box, click the Connections tab.  
4. In the Local Area Network (LAN) settings area, click LAN  
5. In the Proxy server area of the Local Area Network (LAN)  
Settings dialog box, check that the Use a proxy server for your  
LAN (These settings will not apply to dial-up or VPN  
connections). check box is cleared.  
Step 9 Try to access more websites to check whether the HG532s can  
access these websites.  
If the problem persists, contact your network service provider.  
What can I do if I cannot access the web-based configuration utility?  
Step 1 Refer to "What can I do if I cannot access the Internet?" to check  
that the power supply, telephone line, and network line are working  
Step 2 Check that the computer's IP address and the HG532s's LAN IP  
address are in the same network segment, and that the browser is  
not using a proxy server.  
To ensure that the computer's IP address and the HG532s's  
LAN IP address are in the same network segment, you can set  
the computer to obtain an IP address automatically.  
Step 3 Check that the correct user name and password are used to log in  
to the web-based configuration utility.  
If the problem persists, restore the HG532s to its default settings.  
For details, see "How can I quickly restore the HG532s to its default  
What can I do if I cannot access the Internet over a wireless connection?  
Step 1 Check that all cables are securely connected, such as the power  
adapter cable and the telephone line.  
Step 2 Check whether the WLAN indicator is on.  
If the WLAN indicator is off, the wireless network function is  
disabled, and you need to turn on the wireless network function.  
Step 3 Read the user guide of the wireless network adapter, and  
check whether the wireless network adapter supports the 802.11b,  
802.11g, or 802.11n protocol.  
If the wireless network adapter does not support any of the  
preceding protocol, replace it.  
Step 4 Check whether the driver for the wireless network adapter is  
correctly installed.  
If the driver is not correctly installed, re-install it using the driver  
program provided with the wireless network adapter.  
Step 5 Check whether the computer receives wireless signals properly.  
The following example uses the computer running the Windows XP  
operating system to check wireless signal reception:  
1. Choose Start  
Control Panel. Double-click Network  
2. In the Network Connections window, right-click Wireless  
Network Connection, and choose View Available Wireless  
If the computer cannot find the wireless network, move the  
computer closer to the HG532s. Check that there are no obstacles,  
such as walls, between the computer and the HG532s.  
Step 6 Check whether the computer is connected to the HG532s's wireless  
network. On the wireless network list, check whether the  
HG532s's wireless network is displayed as Connected.  
Step 7 Check that PPP dial-up software is installed and parameters are set  
Step 8 Check that you can use the PPP dial-up software to set up dial-up  
Step 9 Try to access more websites to check whether the HG532s can  
access these websites.  
If you still cannot access the websites, restore the HG532s to its  
default settings. If the problem persists, contact your network  
service provider.  
What can I do if sometimes the terminal cannot access the Internet over  
a wireless connection or if the wireless connection is unstable?  
Step 1 Check the positions of the HG532s and the computer. Ensure that  
they are located far from the electric appliances such as microwave  
ovens, refrigerators, or cordless telephones that generate strong  
magnetic or electric fields.  
Step 2 Place the HG532s in an open area.  
Although radio signals can pass through obstacles, their  
transmission is affected if they pass through too many obstacles  
such as walls.  
Step 3 Move the computer closer to the HG532s.  
Step 4 Place the HG532s and the computer in another direction.  
Step 5 Try to avoid using wireless network connection during  
What can I do if the wireless network is not encrypted but the computer  
cannot connect to the wireless network?  
Step 1 Delete wireless network configuration from the computer.  
The following example uses a computer running the Windows XP  
operating system:  
1. Choose Start  
Control Panel. Double-click Network  
2. In the Network Connections window, right-click Wireless  
Network Connection, and choose Properties.  
3. In the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box,  
click the Wireless Networks tab.  
4. In the Preferred Networks area, select a wireless network, and  
click Remove.  
5. Delete all the other wireless network connections from the  
Preferred Networks area.  
6. Click OK.  
Step 2 Set up an unencrypted wireless network connection.  
Does the WPS function have any special requirements on the wireless  
encryption settings of the HG532s?  
The WPS function can be used only when the security mode of the wireless  
network is set to WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK, or WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK, and the  
SSID is set to SSID1. It is recommended that you set the security mode to  
What can I do if I cannot set up a wireless connection between the HG532s  
and the computer by pressing the WPS button?  
Step 1 Check that only one computer tries to connect to the HG532s using  
the WPS function at a time.  
Step 2 Check that the wires network function and the WPS function in PBC  
mode are enabled on the HG532s.  
Step 3 Check that the security mode of the wireless network is set to  
set to SSID1.  
Note that the WPS function is forcibly disabled if the wireless  
network uses the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) encryption.  
Step 4 Check the positions of the HG532s and the computer. Ensure that  
they are far from the electric appliances such as microwave ovens,  
refrigerators, or cordless telephones that generate strong magnetic  
or electric fields.  
Step 5 Place the HG532s in an open area.  
Although radio signals can pass through obstacles, their  
transmission is affected if they pass through too many obstacles  
such as walls.  
8 Technical Specifications  
8.1 Indicators  
The HG532s is powered on.  
The HG532s is powered off or faulty.  
The HG532s is working in routing mode, and it  
is connected to the Wide Area Network (WAN).  
Data is being transmitted.  
The HG532s is working in routing mode, and it  
is connected to the WAN.  
No data is being transmitted.  
The HG532s is working in bridge mode.  
The HG532s is working in routing mode, but it  
is not set up the connection to the WAN.  
The ADSL connection is being activated.  
The ADSL connection is set up and activated.  
No digital subscriber line (DSL) connection is set  
up, or the DSL connection is faulty.  
The WLAN connection is set up, but no data is  
being transmitted.  
The WLAN connection is set up, and data is  
being transmitted.  
The wireless function is disabled, or the WLAN  
module is faulty.  
The HG532s is connecting to a wireless client  
such as a computer installed with a wireless  
network adapter using the WPS function.  
This process lasts no longer than 120 seconds.  
A wireless connection is set up between the  
HG532s and a wireless client using the WPS  
The WPS indicator is on for about 300  
seconds, and then turns off.  
The WPS function is disabled or faulty, or  
a wireless connection is set up.  
LAN1 ~  
The HG532s is connected to a device properly.  
Data is being transmitted between the HG532s  
and the device connected.  
No connection is set up on the port.  
The HG532s is being activated through USB  
Data is being transmitted on the USB port.  
The HG532s is activated through USB modem.  
The USB port is connected by portable storage  
The USB port is not connected.  
The HG532s is activated through ADSL and  
8.2 Ports and Buttons  
10 11  
Port or Button Description  
Starts the WPS negotiation.  
Enables or disables the WLAN function.  
Powers the HG532s on or off.  
Restores the HG532s to its default settings.  
To restore the HG532s to its default settings,  
press and hold the Reset button for over 6  
seconds. After the HG532s is restored to its  
default settings, all user customized data will be  
lost. Use this function only when necessary.  
Power port used to connect to the power adapter.  
USB port used to connect a USB device, such as  
a USB storage device, a printer or a USB modem.  
The maximum voltage/current output from the  
USB port is 5 V/0.8 A. That is, the input  
voltage/current of the USB device connected to  
the USB port cannot exceed 5 V/0.8 A.  
Otherwise, the HG532s may not work correctly.  
7 ~ 10 LAN4 ~ LAN1  
11 ADSL  
Ethernet ports used to connect to devices such as  
a computer, telephone, set-top box, and switch.  
DSL port used to connect to the splitter or  
telephone wall jack.  
8.3 Default Settings  
Default Settings  
LAN IP address  
LAN subnet mask  
User name for web-based  
configuration utility login  
Password for web-based  
configuration utility login  
Wireless network name  
(SSID) for wireless  
See the label printed on the label on  
HG532s's rear panel.  
Password (WLAN Key)  
for wireless connection  
See the label printed on the label on  
HG532s's rear panel.  
DHCP server  
Wireless network  
Firewall function  
8.4 Product Specifications  
0°C to 40°C (32°F to 104°F)  
5% to 95%, non-condensing  
110 mm × 31 mm × 145 mm  
Dimensions (H ×  
W × D)  
(Not including the base plate)  
About 180 g  
(Not including the power adapter)  
ITU G.992.1 (G.dmt) Annex A  
ITU G.994.1 (G.hs)  
ANSI T1.413 Issue 2  
ITU G.992.3 (G.dmt.bis) Annex A  
ITU G.992.3 (G.dmt.bis) Annex L  
ITU G.992.3 (G.dmt.bis) Annex M  
ITU G.992.5 (G.dmt.bitplus) Annex A  
ITU G.992.5 (G.dmt.bitplus) Annex M  
802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n (2.4 GHz)  
DSL transmission  
Downlink: up to 8 Mbit/s  
Uplink: up to 896 kbit/s  
Downlink: up to 12 Mbit/s  
Uplink: up to 1024 kbit/s  
Downlink: up to 24 Mbit/s  
Uplink: up to 1024 kbit/s  
Up to 11 Mbit/s  
Up to 54 Mbit/s  
Up to 300 Mbit/s  
transmission rates mode  
mode (2 × 2  
Huawei Industrial Base  
Bantian, Longgang  
Shenzhen 518129  
People's Republic of China  

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